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The State of 2024, or: What the Heck's Going On

I'm unsure all what to talk about here, so I'm just going to try and quickly dump some unstructured thoughts. Mostly I guess I'd like to just say that I'm not dead.

This year has been a hectic one for me. Last year was already a bit overwhelming because I got a job and rarely had the energy and focus to do much, then IRL circumstances complicated things further. Earlier in the year, those circumstances pretty much forced me to quit my job and have been something of an occupation since. I don't know what any given month will bring. That said, I've had a slight respite as of late, hence being able to write this.

Writing has been a tricky thing for all of the usual reasons. I meant to take part in the exhibition earlier this year, but I couldn't get anything together in time; maybe I'll talk a bit about that in another post. Thinking of other things to work on has proven difficult, though I did start out planning something a couple of months ago. Also, I did start on something of an effort to do something relevant to Lion-Dog. That has been on hold for the moment because I've been working on an entry for the current exhibition. I've managed to finish that, thankfully, so I should be able to get back to other things soon enough.

As far as THP stuff, I took over the Character Discussion thread earlier in the year because the OP was having trouble keeping it up. I think it's been an interesting experiment thus far, though certainly not without its issues. Because it demands an amount of attention, I've had it on hold during the current exhibition period. I will probably continue it soon after the exhibition ends. Other than that, I've propped up a few threads including a new Story Discussion thread — after the old one finally auto-saged — and a new Story Recommendation thread. Neither has seen a lot of traffic. Then again, the site seems to be in a bit of a lull. Most of the activity is centered on a couple of stories, and I don't follow either, so I don't keep track of any of it. As always, it'd be nice to see a little more life.

I've had a lot of intentions to do stuff with this site but not a lot of time, energy, or brain to do them. Even now, I think the best I can do is basically blog posts like this. I'd always like to talk more in-depth about things, but finding things to talk about can be tricky. If I talk about THP stuff in particular, the situation can be fluid enough that what I say may be outdated. I already feel like some of my previous stuff ought to be scrapped or updated. I suppose there's always non-THP stuff to talk about, but I'd have to really consider it. For now, I'm just going to start with this and see what happens.

Random additional matter: As of right now, I intend to be gone pretty much the entirety of October, so nothing will be happening then.